How To Become A Hacker?

 How To Become  A Hacker

(Step By Step Guide)



Hacking and Cyber-Security are two parallel lines, we can say that they are almost the same in matter of concept with some slight differences, so a Cyber-Security specialist is actually a Hacker.
Therefore, in this article I'm going to show you the real path to become a professional Cyber-Security specialist, starting from the starter point till the last step.

How can I be a Hacker?

First of, let's clear it out that using a software that works for couple of days then stop working duo to a server shut down doesn't make you a Hacker, but a Script-Kid.
Here I'm going to show you how to be a Cyber-Security specialist, thus you have to dedicate time and effort to learn and try and gain experience.

Skills required for any Cyber-Security specialist:

Operating Systems:

As a Cyber-Security specialist it's required from you to know in depth about the operating systems, the main three Linux, Windows and Unix.

Knowing these OS's in depth doesn't mean knowing what the keyboard keys do or knowing some simple Linux commands, but studying the system from A-Z, getting acquainted with its system files, know what's the function of each file, what may happen if that file is lost of deleted, how these files work together and how they are connected, and what files are more important than the others.


Networking will make you understand how devices and servers are connected on the internet and how talk to each others, through what they send the data and how they receive it, with which devices they are to communicate and with which they are not and many other..

Simply, Networking is a main principle of the basement you are going to form in your journey of learning.

information security

Information Security:

This is what is goin to teach you the real Hacking, studying it will give you knowledge on security of data, encryption, systems security, Penetration and many other principles.

It's a crucial step in which you going to kick off in the real Hacking world, though first, you have to be already sharpened in Operating-Systems and Networking, then combine all of what you have learned together to create a glorious Hacking formation in your mind.

The Hacker Mindset:

Thinking differently and finding out of the box solutions are what makes the Hacker standout among other people...

Some people already have this gift sharpened, though that doesn't mean that it's unlike any other skills, it can be improved and sharpened by practicing, and if you are asking how can you improve it, the answer is simple, and lies in the word EXPERIENCE. Therefore, make sure not to miss out on this skills.

Study, Study and try:

This journey isn't going to be easy, it's not something that should discourage or disappoint you, nothing comes easy, and Hacking is no different, therefore, you need to forget about the word boredom of studying, reading and experiencing..

If you have the passion, you need no worry about this part because your passion take over any boredom, and further more it's going to be interesting and even addicting, once you feel you know something, you want to know more.

Hacking roadmap:



It's crucial as a Hacker to be familiar with programming, and even more an expert programmer.
Programming is essential for writing your own codes and scripts, beside that it's going to form the logical thinking side of you and improve your problem solving skill too.

Which programming language to learn?
It doesn't really matter, almost all of the programming languages are based on the same main concept, and they differ in the way they call and deal with data, therefore, once you learn and master a language it's going to be easy for you to understand and learn other languages.

The programming language suggested as a Cyber-Security specialist are Python, C++, Java and it's cool to know some HTML, Json too..
Keep in mind that you don't need to master all of these languages to be a Hacker, just pick a language for now and start with it, and by years you can add new ones if you desire.


The plus family (CompTIA):

CompTIA is a computing technology industry association that offers certificates and courses in the field of IT and Security.

Here, we need 4 courses from CompTIA, which are:

You can buy these courses and obtain their certificates from CompTIA or you can simply attend some free online classes that explains these courses, what matters in this phase is the knowledge more than the certificate, though if  you can afford the certificates, surely it will be a great addition.

CCNA & CCNA Security:

These are certificates offered by CISCO, an American multinational company that develops and sells network equipment and courses.

The CCNA "CISCO Certified Network Associate" will educate you about Networks, connections, devices communication, Networking concepts like the Routers, Switches, IP addresses and many other Network based concepts..

The CCNA Sec "CISCO Certified Network Associate Security" will give you the knowledge on Networks security, practical skills on creating and managing secure Network infrastructure, classify possible threats and reduce the vulnerabilities & the risk of the threats facing the Network.


Two years from now, you are already formed a strong base in programming, have a good knowledge in OS, Networks and information security, and now you are ready for your next step, which is preparing to take one of the following certificates..

CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker):

This certificate will make you obtain a decent experience and knowledge on latest Hacking tools, techniques and methodologies used by Cyber Security specialists and Hackers, and it will give you the tools, knowledge and experience to Hack systems and organizations legally.

GCIA (Certified Intrusion Analyst):

This certificate will give you understanding about network and host monitoring, intrusion detection and traffic analysis, by obtaining this certificate you will be able you configure an intrusion detection system, monitor it and analyze the traffic & related log files through the network.

cyber security specialist

CISA (Certified Information Security Auditor):

Gaining knowledge on information systems, information systems security, infrastructure cycle management of the IS controls, technical knowledge of dealing with IS and securing the information assets.

Don't worry about not knowing almost all of these expressions, now our goal is to clear the path so we know where to head and where the big goal lies.
Thus, you should carry at least one of the three above-mentioned certificates, and it'd be a cool bonus to add the LPT Certificate (Licensed Penetration Tester) to the list.


Welcome to the future! you have passed a long way through here, and here you are a skilled professional Hacker & Cyber-Security specialist, there's one more thing ahead to accomplish, it's the main goal that you have been working to get to through the past couple of years...

CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional):

The CISSP is the highest certificate in Cyber-Security field, the best any Cyber-Security specialist and Hacker can get to when it comes to certificates.

It kills you validly in the following fields:

-Security & Risk Management

-Security Engineering

-Communication & Network Security

-Identity & Access Management

-Security Assessment & Testing

-Security Operations

-Software Development Security 

GSEC (Security Essentials Certified):

It's a similar certificate to the CISSP, you don't need to obtain the both certificates, one is enough as they are on almost the same concepts, though what's different is that each certificate is offered by a different company.

Still the CISSP certificate is considered as the most famous among any other Cyber Security certificates.


In general, the way to the peak of Hacking & Cyber Security proficiency is never an easy way, it requires much of dedication and ambition, though the result is totally worth it!!

Therefore keep your eye on the CISSP, the main goal and as well make sure to sharpen your Networking, OS, Information security and programming skills, along with developing the Hacking mindset, and taking the above-mentioned certificates, then I guarantee you being a professional Cyber Security specialist having a decent job at a respected company, or maybe the CEO of your own Cyber Security company, who knows!!

Do you think you are the next Snowden or have any big ambition like Edward had?? let me know in the comments, and don't forget to leave us your opinion and questions down below!!

Thanks For Reading!


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